Physical Education


Our Physical Education teacher, strives to have each class be as active as possible, while teaching the life long skills of effort, attitude and teamwork.
Each grade participates in PE classes two times per week and throughout the year, each class does a variety of different activities. The mission of the SFX PE program is to give each student the opportunity to grow and develop a lifelong passion for being active. Throughout the year, each student will be challenged in a variety of different activities. If students can give their best effort, have a positive attitude and be a good teammate, success in any activity will be in reach.
PreSchool through 3rd grade focuses primarily on individual skills and motor movements. Individual skills, such as: overhand/underhand throw, kicking, basic locomotor movements and multiple pathways, catching and spatial awareness.
4th grade through 8th grade PE classes focus on teamwork units. Units include: Team Handball, Touch Ball, Speedball, Badminton, as well as many more!