Library FAQ's
Library Hours
The school library is open on Monday-Friday from 8-3. Students are encouraged to drop in after dismissal to check out or return materials. In the librarian's absence, materials may always be returned in the bucket on the circulation desk and students may self-check-out on the clipboard at the circulation desk.
Borrowing Printed Material and Loan Periods
Students in Grades K-8 may check out two books or magazines at a time for pleasure reading, plus any more that are needed for a school assignment.
Parents of Pre-K students may check out up to three books at a time for their children.
For all students, materials are checked out for two weeks, after which time the material may be renewed if there are no holds (reserves) on it.
Overdue and Lost Library Material
Overdue notices are sent out early each month. There are no fines for overdue materials, but until the student resolves the material's whereabouts, no further checkouts will be allowed. When an overdue book notice comes home, please help your child make an effort to find the book and either renew or return it. Your child is not allowed to check books out until this matter is resolved one way or another.
Lost books: Sometimes books do go missing and if, despite your best 'search' efforts, you can't find the materials, please inform (or ask your child to inform) the library staff that the material in question is "lost". Do not send in cash or checks to replace the missing materials; your account will be charged through the business office at a later date. If the book does turn up eventually, simply return it and we'll credit your account if you have already paid.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping all our students learn responsibility for borrowed library materials.
Material Selection Policy
SFX Librarian and a committee of teachers and parent board members have crafted a Materials Selection Policy document, which outlines the criteria for collection development of both print and non-print resources as well as the procedure for reconsideration. Our librarian is grateful to all the committee members for their tremendous help in writing this important document.
Volunteers and Donations
Volunteer opportunities are available in the library. Please contact our administrative Assistant if you are interested at
Donations of gently used books are always gratefully considered. If a title isn't right for the library collection, it will be offered to classroom teachers, the after-school program, or to various other programs. Please leave donations with the librarian.