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Ms. Helene Guariglia - After School Director


Bonjour! I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. My teaching career started when my mother asked me to help one of my friends learn his multiplication tables back when I was in 4th grade! I knew from that moment on I was called to teach! I had the privilege of going to a private Catholic “collège” in my hometown. For us, we used that term to encompass elementary, middle and high school. The six years I spent at Collège Marie de L’Incarnation ​(founded in the late 1600s by Ursuline nuns) were some of the best years of my life! We had wonderful teachers who made learning interesting and challenging. We also had the honor of being taught and guided by great nuns, constantly strengthening and reaffirming our Catholic faith. It created a sense of belonging and community that we all cherished so much.


After going to CEGEP (equivalent to Junior College in the USA) for a degree in English Literature, I continued my education and received my Bachelor’s degree in Teaching English as Second Language, with a minor in French and Spanish. All the while, teaching part-time back at my beloved Collège; a school I had never really left, since after graduating high school, our principal, Mother Superior had asked me to substitute teach. I taught middle and high school until I married, in 1992.


This is where my American journey started! We moved to Vermont, where my husband had his business and have been here since. I went back to school to obtain my M.Ed from Trinity College in Burlington. I have been teaching college since 1998 and my little people, ­ as I like to say, ­ ever since my daughter started Kindergarten at Saint Francis back in 2007.


I am blessed to be part of this wonderful community! Learning is great, teaching is ever better!

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