“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ~ Maya Angelou
Your support makes the St. Francis Xavier School experience possible.
At Saint Francis Xavier School, we are indeed blessed by the generosity of our friends and benefactors and we take great joy in using the gifts we receive to support our students.
Since its founding in 1862, Saint Francis Xavier School has served generations of families. This has been possible because of the many contributions from parents, alumni and friends. It's not how much, but how many gifts we receive that will make the difference in providing quality Catholic education for our students. Any contribution, large or small, will be appreciated by our community and will help us support the success of all the children who attend Saint Francis Xavier School.

What does your gift accomplish?
Your gift today may change lives for years to come.
A Story of Success...
You never know the impact your gift may have. A number of years ago, visitors to Vermont attended a daily Mass at Saint Francis Xavier Church. While at Mass, their attention was drawn to a young woman who was in fervent prayer in the back of the church. They noted that she looked anxious and careworn.
Moved by concern, they asked another parishioner about the woman and learned she and her two young children were newly arrived from another country. She was hoping her husband and two other children would be able to join her soon, but they were held up by many issues in their home country. She spoke little English and had yet to find a job. Her two young children were enrolled at Saint Francis Xavier School, where they were thriving, but the mother had very few financial resources.
Upon hearing this, the visitors contacted the school and anonymously paid the year’s tuition for the two children. It was a remarkable gift to the young mother, to her children, and to the school. Those children have since graduated from Saint Francis and from high school and are currently successfully pursuing their college degrees. Their mother is gainfully employed and her husband and other children have been able to join her in this country. The long ago kindness of those visitors was life changing for that family.
Be a part of the St. Francis Xavier community of donors!
Annual Appeal
The Annual Appeal is the cornerstone of our fundraising efforts each year. Gifts to the Annual Appeal support every aspect of our mission and are vital to making an education at St. Francis Xavier School affordable to families of all economic levels.
Many of our supporters specify that their gift to the school be used to assist families with the cost of tuition. This can readily be done by simply noting this preference when you mail in your donation or donate online.
Make a gift through the United Way
If you donate to United Way through your workplace, you can target your donation and specify St. Francis Xavier School as the nonprofit organization you want your money to help.
Your monthly donation, of any size, helps form a predictable source of income we can count on to support the mission and students of St. Francis. It also allows you to make a bigger impact while adhering to your own monthly budget. It’s the easiest way to give and your recurring online donation is secure and flexible. You choose the amount you wish to give each month and you can change, or cancel, your pledge at any time. Simply click on our “Make a Gift Today” tab below and then choose the “Make this a monthly gift” option.
There are many ways to help St. Francis Xavier School beyond sending a check or making an online payment. Planned giving includes making a bequest in your will, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, a gift of appreciated securities, or an IRA rollover among other planning devices. These support our school and help you as the donor accomplish your personal financial goals. We encourage you to speak with your financial advisor or attorney about these options.
Matching Gift
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, simply inquire with your human resources department The impact of your gift to St. Francis Xavier School may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.