Elementary School
Kindergarten through 5th Grade

We explore the many facets of literacy, mathematics, social studies, science, and our Catholic faith together. Students develop a strong academic foundation in a variety of settings such as small group instruction, personal discovery centers, games, and activities. We use play and hands-on experiences to build critical thinking and processing skills, self expression, and positive social skills. We enhance students' understanding of the world with ample time to run and discover outdoors at our beautiful, safe play areas and through field trips.

First Grade
First graders continue to gain confidence in themselves as students and many of the skills and concepts they have been exposed to begin to really “click”. Students become avid readers and love to read independently and socially; you will often see several of them gathered around a good book. While we use many traditional methods of learning, we also enjoy time with more hands-on and creative experiences. Students learn to collaborate and communicate with each other through their daily work and play.

Second Grade
For second graders, school is fun, and they come every day ready to learn. They have gained many skills already and are able to expand their knowledge across the board. Many of them have mastered learning to read and begin to synthesize chapter books, completing projects that show their understanding. In math, they have solid number sense and are able to use this to solve more complex problems. A great milestone is reached in second grade, and students spend significant time preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Communion. The class prepares and Catholic students receive their First Communion together in May.

Third Grade
We develop strong academic skills and work together to grow our understanding of all subject areas. We cherish our time spent practicing our Catholic faith and growing in prayer and reflection. Students strengthen independent learning skills and are supported in efforts to increase their daily responsibilities.

Fourth Grade
Students work hard in all subject areas and continue to grow as independent thinkers and learners. The group begins to increase their stamina for long term projects as they are the first grade that tackles Science Fair preparation; this requires extended research and increased independence. Fourth graders are up to the challenge and are excited by undertaking increased responsibility for their learning.

Fifth Grade
Fifth grade is an exciting year for students at St. Francis. Each day they are challenged academically while still receiving the support, guidance, and close attention of their teacher. This serves as a strong year of transition as they will soon embark on the middle school years. Fifth graders start the year as participants in the STARBASE program where they are challenged to create and launch rockets. This initial learning sets the stage for a year of exciting academic growth.