Developing the whole person...

"On any day, you can see Monsignor Lavalley sitting and chatting with students or reading them a story, you can see Mr. Hill and Mr. Melnyk playing football at recess, and the list goes on and on. This doesn't happen at other schools and it is why SFX is so special! The kids don't just see the adults as the people in charge - they see them as a part of their family and because of that, the students thrive."
- Chris Messineo, parent

Home & School Association
St. Francis Xavier School is a partnership among students, families, faculty, administration, pastor and staff. We thrive because of the unity of purpose and conviction of all our members and because each member is valued and appreciated. Our Home & School Association plays a huge role in building our strong community bonds. Families are asked to volunteer for 15 hours throughout the year, either in the classroom/school or directly with one of the Home & School activities. Below are some of the many ways the Home & School Association enriches our community.

Helping Hands,
Warm Hearts
We all need a helping hand now and then. Volunteers provide a home-cooked meal, a ride, or some needed encouragement when someone in our school community experiences an illness, a loss of some kind or an exciting (but exhausting) birth.

Dorothy Day Fund
As we know, things don’t always go as planned. Sometimes, due to unforeseen events, there are competing demands on our limited resources and we need a little assistance to tide us over. The Dorothy Day Fund is a small fund established by the Home & School Association to help families meet some financial obligations when faced with unexpected challenges.

Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Scholarship
This scholarship is in honor of the many volunteers who help St. Francis Xavier School every day. It is our hope that their efforts are mirrored in our children. The scholarship is awarded to two students, one in Pre-K through 2nd and one 3rd through 7th, who have demonstrated helpfulness throughout the school year. Each scholarship is $200 towards next year's tuition to SFX.

Christmas Bonuses
Each year our Home and School Association provides Christmas bonuses to our incredible faculty and staff as a small thank you for their dedication, love, and time. We love our teachers and we're grateful to the Home & School Association for helping us show that love.

Community Building
The Home & School Association also brings our community together through Opening Day barbecues, the end of year Fun Day, school breakfasts, the annual Halloween party, our Mardi Gras Bowl-a-thon and many other team building activities.

Grandparents' Day
Each spring we welcome very special members of our community to our school on Grandparents and Other Loved Ones Day. The love and support our students receive from multi-generations of family and friends is key to their success and Grandparents’ Day gives us an opportunity to celebrate that support.
"There are many pluses to sending your child to SFX, but one is:
everyone is woven together tightly here, and every child really matters."
- Mrs. Finn, former Librarian and Digital Learning Specialist