6th Grade Curriculum

Language Arts and Writing
Students are making the transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Students will be exposed to a variety of resources throughout the year. They will not only be completing reading assignments, but will be working on improving the writing skills and grammar necessary to be effective communicators. 6th grade students have two extra language arts classes built into their schedule. These classes will focus on the rules and mechanics of English language and writing.
Read and respond to myths, novels, and poetry, as well as more complex texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas such as science and social studies.
Students will be challenged and asked questions that push them to refer back to what they’ve read. This stresses critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.
Study various literary elements and be tested on comprehension and vocabulary skills.
Students develop a digital writing portfolio by completing writing assignments.
Students will write creative pieces, personal narratives, various essays and research based papers.
MLA citations
Parts of speech
Sentence structure
Paragraph organization
Social Studies
The road to revolution and the American Revolutionary War
International Night research and project
U.S. Constitution
Launching a new republic
The Jefferson Era
National and regional growth
War of 1812
Age of Jackson
Manifest Dynasty
Mexican American War
Early American Literature
Reforming America
Learning to be a scientist
Rocks and minerals
Fossils and geologic history
Plate tectonics
Designing experiments
Astronomy: stars, galaxies and origins of the universe
Microorganisms: bacteria, protists, and fungi
The Bible
Creation stories
Original sin
Noah and the great flood
God’s merciful love
Tower of Babel
Abraham our Father of Faith
Whole numbers and patterns
Introduction to algebra
Number theory and fractions
Fraction operations
Collecting and displaying data
Proportional relationships
Geometric relationships
Measurement and geometry
Measurement: area and volume
Integers, graphs and functions