5th Grade Curriculum

Language Arts and Writing
Fifth graders explore a variety of reading and writing styles. Students read for meaning and methodically learn to read expository texts in preparation for middle school. Students have a extensive program that helps them develop skills in:
Reading a variety of genres
Strengthening comprehension skills
Completing book projects
Understanding an author’s purpose
Poetry reading and writing
Grammar usage and punctuation
Parts of speech
Cursive handwriting
Social Studies
Students learn map skills and delve into learning about the five regions of the United States. By the end of the year they will have learned all the states and the capitals. Fifth graders are exposed to current events through the Time for Kids publication. Students spend time in the first months of school learning about a country and preparing for International Night.
Fifth grade science is always off to an exciting start as they class participates in the STARBASE program which emphasizes STEM based learning and provides students with hands-on guidance from military personnel. Fifth graders learn about Earth systems, the life process, kinds of matter and the atmosphere. In addition to this and other learning, students also prepare for the school’s annual science fair, selecting a planet to research and present.
The Religion curriculum provides 5th graders with a deeper understanding of the Sacraments. Other learning includes:
The Ten Commandments
The Liturgical Seasons
Why we are unique
Why God loves us
The Fifth graders assist in Mass preparations on a rotating schedule, serving as readers, bringing up the gifts, and participating in altar server training. They also assist their 2nd grade Church Buddies each week, modeling Mass behavior. The Circle of Grace curriculum is taught to provide a holistic approach to the safety, well-being, and spiritual formation of children and youth.
Students continue to work in the Sadlier Progress in Mathematics program and follow a Math Menu structure to:
Demonstrate understanding of the place value system
Use the four operations with whole and decimals/fractions
Use a coordinate graph including axis, origin scale, and use it to mark and read position using coordinate pairs
Understand geometry
Select and apply appropriate standard units (metric and customary), tools and strategies to estimate and measure length, weight, capacity, temperature, rotation, and angles, with accuracy
Problem solving