1st Grade Curriculum

Language Arts and Writing
First graders use leveled reading books, in the Reading A-Z program, and Fundations to:
Build reading habits
Strengthen decoding skills and reading fluency
Develop comprehension skills
Read nonfiction
Produce small moments writing pieces
Cultivate writing mechanics
Read and write poetry
Use Writer's Workshop
Social Studies
Students continue to learn about communities and citizenship before diving into studies on the Earth and its resources. The year begins with learning about a country and preparing for International Night.
In addition to building on information learned in previous grades such as the human body and animals, first graders also begin to explore concepts such as matter and motion.
Building on concepts learned in Kindergarten, 1st graders begin to grow their understanding of the life and work of Jesus as well as the Sacraments. The Circle of Grace curriculum is taught to provide a holistic approach to the safety, well-being, and spiritual formation of children and youth. First graders attend weekly Mass with the help of their 6th grade Church Buddies.
First graders continue their work in the Sadlier Progress in Mathematics series and participate in whole group lessons as well as small groups following the Math Menu structure. In 1st grade students will:
Meaningfully recall addition and subtraction facts through 12
Demonstrate understanding of the place value system
Demonstrate understanding of the meaning of addition and subtraction operations and the relationship between them
Use symbols to represent numbers in mathematical situations
Create, extend, and describe repeating patterns
Identify sphere, cube, cone, cylinder, rectangular and triangular prism, and pyramid
Measure an object using standard and non-standard units in a variety of attributes such as weight, volume, length, width, or height
Demonstrate understanding of and tell time to the nearest half-hour using an analog clock
Represent data using bar graphs, models, or pictures
Develop problem solving skills